The dog in images
First Printed 11 2020
B6 size 50 pages
インターネット上で無数に存在する犬の画像からDog Health Clubがピックアップしたよりすぐりの犬の画像を写真集としてまとめました。




This photo book is a compilation of the best dog images picked up by Dog Health Club from the myriad of dog images available on the Internet.

As you turn the page, the images of dogs are arranged in a monotonous fashion.
Along the way, you'll jump from one saved image to another as you search for images and navigate through the sites where the images are used. This is a collection of images of dogs that just keep going according to a set of rules, with an occasional stroll online.

All the images used are uploaded online license-free. And the URLs of the images used are all listed at the end of the book, so anyone can download them.
inserted by FC2 system